NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Encuesta Nacional de Victimización por Violencia Intrafamiliar y Delitos Sexuales (ENVIF) Provider Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile)Microdata access: Download Geography Chile (CHL) Coverage type Country Time period covered 12/2006 - 03/2017 Series or system Chile National Survey of Victimization for Domestic Violence and Sexual Crimes Data type Survey Keywords Intimate partner violence Citation Contributors Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile) Publisher Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile) Suggested citation Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile). Chile National Survey of Victimization for Domestic Violence and Sexual Crimes 2016-2017. Chile: Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile). GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 30, 2022