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Censuses of Population in the Community Countries 1981-1982


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Theme 3: Population and Social Conditions, Series C: Accounts, surveys and statistics
Belgium (BEL)
Denmark (DNK)
France (FRA)
Germany, West (DEU) (Germany)
Greece (GRC)
Ireland (IRL)
Italy (ITA)
Portugal (PRT)
Spain (ESP)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1981 - 12/1982
Data type

The Community census of population programme 1981 sought to improve comparability between population statistics (primarily censuses) among the nine member states. To this effect, it brought member states' enumeration periods within a closer time period, and created a standardized set of tables to to be used by members. This report collects census data and other supplemental administrative and survey data supplied by the nine member countries, as well as Greece, Spain, and Portugal, in the standardized data format designed by the programme.

Of note: France, Italy, and the Federal Republic of Germany postponed enumeration for either one (France and Italy) or two (FR Germany) years. The Netherlands did not conduct a census in this period; it instead provided register and sample survey data for the programme.
