NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Latinobarómetro Provider Latinobarometer Corporation (Chile)Microdata access: Download Geography Brazil (BRA) Coverage type Country Time period covered 06/2018 - 07/2018 Series or system Latinobarometer Data type Survey: HouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representative Summary The 2018 Latinobarometer consisted of 20,204 interviews in 18 countries throughout Latin America, with representative samples of the total population of each of the countries. The survey covers the topics of politics and economics in addition to asking standard demographic questions. Keywords Assets, Crime, Education, Employment, Environment, Ethnicity, Internet, Marital status, Mass media, Public social assistance, Race, Religion, Sanitation, Social class, Taxes, Telephones, Transportation, Water supply Citation Contributors Latinobarometer Corporation (Chile) IBOPE Inteligência (Brazil) Publisher Latinobarometer Corporation (Chile) Suggested citation IBOPE Inteligência (Brazil), Latinobarometer Corporation (Chile). Brazil Latinobarometer 2018. Providencia, Chile: Latinobarometer Corporation (Chile). GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 19, 2024