NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Encuesta Demografia Nacional (EDN) 1975 Geography Bolivia (BOL) Coverage type Country Time period covered 06/1975 - 10/1975 Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeSubnationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The purpose of the National Demographic Survey was to increase the level of statistics available about the sociodemographic characteristics of the Bolivian population. The data were collected through in-home interviews conducted in urban and rural areas throughout the country. The main topic areas of the questionnaire were family size, education, fertility, and family relationships. The sample size for this survey was 51,898 persons. Reports for this survey may be available through library systems. Keywords Birth place, Education, Employment, Family composition, Family size, Fertility, Languages, Literacy, Marital status, Mortality, Population, Summary birth history Citation Contributors Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE) National Institute of Statistics (Bolivia) National Computing Center (Bolivia) Funders International Development Research Centre (Canada) Suggested citation Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE), National Computing Center (Bolivia), National Institute of Statistics (Bolivia). Bolivia National Demographic Survey 1975. GHDx Entry last modified on: May 29, 2022