NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)Tabulations only Geography Bangladesh (BGD) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2010 - 12/2010 Series or system Bangladesh Sample Vital Registration System Data type Vital registration: Sample registration Summary The Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS) started in 1980 with the intention of measuring yearly changes in the population. Originally, the SVRS covered 150 primary sampling units (PSUs) and included 250 households. Over time, additional modules including marriage and migration (1983) and contraception (1995) were added to the SVRS, and the sample was expanded to 1000 PSUs. An integrated multi-purpose sample design was introduced in 2000. Keywords Causes of death, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Disability, Domestic migration, Education, Employment, Family size, Fertility, Housing conditions, International migration, Literacy, Live births, Marital status, Marriage age, Mortality, Occupations, Population characteristics, Religion, Sanitation, Water supply Citation Contributors Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Suggested citation Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Bangladesh Sample Vital Registration System 2010. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 6, 2023