NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title WHO/UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage Provider World Health Organization (WHO)Tabulations only Geography Argentina (ARG) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/1980 - 12/2008 Data type Administrative data Summary As a joint effort, the WHO and UNICEF review available data on national immunization coverage to create country estimates. These estimates are made for BCG, the third dose of DPT, the third dose of the polio vaccine (oral or inactivated), the first dose of measles vaccine, and the third dose of hepatitis B vaccine. In 2005 the first dose of DTP and the third dose of Hib were added. Coverage estimates, provided by the countries, for other vaccines are also available. Immunization indicators under categories such as planning and management, surveillance, vaccine supply, safety, and finance provide context for the estimates. Sources of the data include data officially reported to the WHO and UNICEF by member states, data reported and published in grey literature, and consultations with local experts. The data are reviewed and updated annually. Keywords Adverse effects of medical treatments, BCG vaccines, DTP vaccines, Diphtheria, Drug stockouts, Drug supply, GDP, GNI, Government health expenditures, Health care expenditures, Hepatitis B vaccines, Hib vaccines, Immunization, Incidence, Live births, Measles, Measles vaccines, Mumps, Polio, Polio vaccines, Population, Rubella, Rubella vaccines, Syringes, Tetanus, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Whooping cough, Yellow fever, Yellow fever vaccines Citation Contributors World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Publisher World Health Organization (WHO) Suggested citation United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO). Argentina Estimates of National Immunization Coverage. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO). GHDx Entry last modified on: Oct 18, 2019