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American Samoa Statistical Yearbook 2001


General Info
American Samoa
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1968 - 12/2001
Series or system 
American Samoa Statistical Yearbook
Data type

The 2001 American Samoa Statistical Yearbook, formerly known as the American Samoa Statistical Digest, includes sections on population, vital and health statistics, education, law enforcement, climate, land use and ownership, housing characteristics and building permits, international arrivals and departures, elections, government finances, labor force, employment and earnings, prices and expenditures, communication and transportation, agriculture and fisheries, commerce and trade, and electricity and water.

Acute glomerulonephritis, Agriculture, Animal injuries, Antenatal care, Birth place, Birth weight, COPD, Cancers, Cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, Cerebrovascular diseases, Cirrhosis of the liver, Climate, Congenital anomalies, Crime, Crops, Dengue, Dental care, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Domestic migration, Education, Education degrees, Electricity, Emergency care, Employment, Ethnicity, Family planning, Fertility ...  [View more]