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United Arab Emirates Statistical Abstract 2009


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1975 - 12/2006
Series or system 
United Arab Emirates Statistical Abstract
Data type

The United Arab Emirates Statistical Abstract is a collection of tables published as an annual report by the National Bureau of Statistics. It is a report of the government’s social and economic activities including employment figures, manufacturing, industry, and agricultural production, health, social welfare, and education expenditures, and national accounts. It is also a reflection of population change based on vital statistics, an epidemiologic record of disease prevalence, and an inventory of health facilities, personnel, and services provided. Statistical abstracts also provide useful information on annual rainfall, road traffic accidents, accessibility to mass media, incidents of crime, consumer prices, and a country’s infrastructure.

Agriculture, Amoebiasis, Beds, Birth place, Causes of death, Causes of morbidity, Climate, Crime, Crops, Death certificates, Dental care, Dentists, Diphtheria, Education, Education access, Electricity, Employment, Family composition, Fertility, Fever, Fishing, GDP, Government expenditures, Government health budget, Government health expenditures, Health care access, Health care personnel, Health care prices ...  [View more]