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United Kingdom South East England Cancer Report 2002


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Cancer in South East England 2002: Cancer incidence, prevalence, survival and treatment for residents of South East England
East Sussex, England, Greater London, Hampshire, Kent, Medway, South East England, Surrey, West Sussex
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2002 - 12/2002
Data type

The population-based Thames Cancer Registry records cancer cases in the populations of London, Hertfordshire, Essex, Surrey, Sussex, and Kent. The tables in this report are broken down by age, sex, health authority and region, and type of cancer coded in ICD-10. Incidence and prevalence rates, numbers of new registrations, types of treatment, and survival numbers are presented.

Information is also provided on cancer networks and patient flows, cohort trends in cancer incidence and mortality, prostate cancer in South East England, and a project on ethnicity coding in cancer.