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South Africa - Agincourt Health and Aging in Africa 2014-2015 Baseline, Wave 1 - Harvard Dataverse


General Info
Original or alternative title 
HAALSI Baseline Survey
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
11/2014 - 11/2015
Data type
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Longitudinal
  • Rural only

The Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa (HAALSI) study is a population-based survey that aims to examine and characterize a population of older men and women in rural South Africa with respect to health, physical and cognitive function, aging, and well-being. The baseline survey interviewed 5,059 men and women aged 40 years or older in rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Data was collected on cognitive and physical functioning, social networks, cardiometabolic disease and risk factors, HIV and HIV risk, and economic well-being in addition to anthropometric measures and point-of-care blood tests.

More information is available on the HAALSI study at

Absenteeism, Age at first sex, Aged adults, Agriculture, Alcohol use, Alcohol use disorders, Anemia, Anthropometry, Antihypertensive drugs, Antiretroviral therapy, Assets, Back and neck pain, Back pain, Birth place, Blood pressure, Blood tests, Body mass index, Cataracts, Cholesterol, Cholesterol tests, Chronic kidney diseases, Circumcision, Cognitive assessment, Cognitive impairment, Condoms, Contraceptives, Corrective lenses, Cough, Crops, Diabetes, Diet, Dietary sugar, Disability, Education, Education expenditures, Employment, Employment benefits, Food security, Fruits, Fruits and vegetables, General surgery, HIV and AIDS, Health care use, Hearing aids, Hearing loss, Heart failure, Height, Hemoglobin, Home care, Hours worked, Household expenditures, Housing conditions, Hypercholesterolemia, Hypertension, Income, Insulin, Internet, Ischemic heart disease, Ischemic stroke, Land ownership, Leisure activities, Limited mobility, Literacy, Livestock, Loans, Marital status, Marriage age, Mass media, Meat, Medical tests, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mental health symptoms, Milk, Mining, Mobility aids, Mortality, Nonprofits, Occupation codes, Occupations, Pain, Personal health expenditures, Physical activity, Poverty, Private health facilities, Processed foods, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Pulse, Refrigeration, Religion, Reproductive and sexual risk factors, Sanitation, Sense organ diseases, Sexual behavior, Sleep disorders, Smokeless tobacco use, Stroke, Sugar-sweetened beverages, Telephones, Tobacco smoking, Traditional healers, Traditional medicine, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Unemployment, Unipolar depressive disorders, Vegetables, Vision loss, Weight, Whole grains