NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title НАЦИОНАЛНО ПРОУЧВАНЕ НА ФАКТОРИТЕ НА РИСКА ЗА ЗДРАВЕТО СРЕД НАСЕЛЕНИЕТО В Р БЪЛГАРИЯ - 2020 Provider National Center of Public Health and Analyses (Bulgaria)Tabulations only Geography Bulgaria (BGR) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2020 - 12/2020 Series or system Bulgaria National Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalIndividualInterviewNationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary This survey examines the leading lifestyle risk factors for age groups 1-6, 7-9, 10-19, 20-65+ years. An interview questionnaire includes: personal information and physical measurements, self-assessment of health status, information on health behavior - smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, and eating patterns. The generated sample consists of 4167 individuals, which corresponds structurally to the surveyed population by gender and age groups in 28 districts: 1-6 years (n=298), 7-9 years (n=173), 10-19 years (n=513), 20-65+ years (n=3182). Keywords Absenteeism, Agriculture, Alcohol use, Alcohol use disorders, Asthma, Back pain, Birth weight, Blood glucose, Body mass index, Breastfeeding, Breathing difficulty, COPD, Contraceptives, Cough, Diet, ENDS use, Education, Employment, Fatigue, Fruits and vegetables, Headache, Health care use, Hypercholesterolemia, Hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, Leisure activities, Marital status, Medicines, Mental health symptoms, Milk, Musculoskeletal diseases, Occupations, Oral hygiene, Pain, Peptic ulcer disease, Physical activity, Secondhand smoke, Sleep disorders, Smokeless tobacco use, Symptoms, Tobacco smoking, Upper respiratory infections Citation Contributors Ministry of Health (Bulgaria) National Center of Public Health and Analyses (Bulgaria) Suggested citation Ministry of Health (Bulgaria), National Center of Public Health and Analyses (Bulgaria). Bulgaria National Behavioral Risk Factor Survey 2020. GHDx Entry last modified on: Feb 5, 2025