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Country specific predictions of the cost-effectiveness of malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 in endemic Africa


General Info
Angola (AGO)
Benin (BEN)
Botswana (BWA)
Burundi (BDI)
Cameroon (CMR)
Chad (TCD)
Comoros (COM)
Congo (COG)
Djibouti (DJI)
Eritrea (ERI)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Guinea (GIN)
Kenya (KEN)
Liberia (LBR)
Malawi (MWI)
Mali (MLI)
Namibia (NAM)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Rwanda (RWA)
Senegal (SEN)
Somalia (SOM)
Sudan (SDN)
Togo (TGO)
Uganda (UGA)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2013 - 12/2014