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United States NVSS Linked Birth and Infant Death Data 1999


General Info
Original or alternative title 
NVSS Linked Birth and Infant Death Data 1999
Guam, Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1999 - 12/1999
Data type
Vital registration:
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative

Linked birth and infant death data sets from the National Vital Statistics System contain information from linked birth and death certificate for infants under 1 year of age who die in the USA, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam. Publicly available data are downloadable in two formats: period and birth cohort data. Public use files provide limited (1989-2004) or no (2005 on) geographic detail. Researchers may request custom microdata (birth, death, fetal death, and linked birth/infant death) containing geographic detail for all states and counties.

You may request access to the limited use data here: