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Azerbaijan Reproductive Health Survey 2001


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
04/2001 - 07/2001
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview

The 2001 Azerbaijan CPS covers: fertility and pregnancy experience, induced abortions, maternal and child health, nutritional status of mothers and children, contraceptive awareness and use, reproductive health, health behaviors, family life education, young adults, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, and physical and sexual abuse. (Includes sample of internally displaced persons).

Abortion, Abortive outcome, Adverse effects of medical treatments, Age at first sex, Alcohol use, Anemia, Antenatal care, Antibiotics, Aplastic and other non-nutritional anemias, Ascariasis, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth control pills, Birth weight, Blood tests, Body mass index, Breastfeeding, Caesarean section, Child anthropometry, Chlamydia, Complete birth history, Condoms, Contraceptives, DTP vaccines, Diabetes ...  [View more]