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Sao Tome and Principe Demographic and Health Survey 2008-2009


General Info
Original or alternative title 
São Tomé e Príncipe Inquérito Demográfico e Sanitário 2008-2009
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
09/2008 - 01/2009
Series or system 
Data type
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative

The Sao Tome and Principe Demographic and Health Survey 2008-2009 is part of phase 5 of the Demographic and Health Survey Series (DHS) series, a comprehensive, nationally representative household survey. Topics commonly covered in DHS include education, health, nutrition, family planning, and household characteristics.

Abortion, Abortive outcome, Absenteeism, Adult mortality, Adverse effects of medical treatments, Age at first sex, Agriculture, Analgesics, Anemia, Anogenital herpes, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Antihelminthics, Antimalarials, Antimotility drugs, Ascariasis, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Birth place, Birth weight, Blood pressure, Blood tests, Body mass index ...  [View more]