NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Kosovo Agency of StatisticsTabulations only Geography Kosovo Coverage type Country Time period covered 04/2011 - 04/2011 Data type Census: HouseholdIndividualInterviewUrban-rural representative Summary The 2011 Census of Population and Housing in Kosovo was conducted by the Agency of Statistics, and the first conducted since 1981. It was completed via in-person interview by census enumerators, and the questionnaire covered main demographic and socioeconomic indicators. Kosovo's Central Census Commission was unable to establish municipal commissions in three areas: Zveçan/Zvečan, Leposaviq/Leposavić and Zubin Potok. The leaders of these municipalities were not elected through the official process, and did not have the capacity for their municipalities to participate in this way. The total population of Kosovo was enumerated at 1,739,825. Keywords Agriculture, Assets, Birth place, Crops, Disability, Domestic migration, Education, Education access, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family size, Fertility, Hearing loss, Hours worked, Household heat, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Hygiene, Infant mortality, Institutionalized population, International migration, Internet, Land ownership, Languages, Literacy, Live births, Livestock, Marital status, Military service, Mortality, Occupations, Population, Population density, Public social assistance, Religion, Sanitation, School enrollment, Telephones, Vision loss, Water supply Citation Contributors Kosovo Agency of Statistics European Union (EU) Funders Government of Kosovo European Union (EU) Suggested citation European Union (EU), Kosovo Agency of Statistics. Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021