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New Zealand National Minimum Dataset 2007


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2007 - 12/2007
Series or system 
New Zealand National Minimum Dataset
Data type
Administrative data:
  • Discharge
  • Inpatient

The National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) was implemented in 1993, and backloaded with data to 1988. It contains hospital discharge data for inpatients and day patients in New Zealand. Public hospitals have submitted data since 1993, while private hospital discharge information for publicly funded events has been collected since 1997. The NMDS contains clinical information including patients' diagnoses and procedures, details of their hospital visit such as length of stay, and demographic information including age, sex, and ethnicity.

In addition to data extracts from the NMDS, a variety of reports and datasets are available from the website of New Zealand's Ministry of Health.

Acute glomerulonephritis, Adult mortality, Antenatal care, Appendicitis, Asbestosis, Atrial fibrillation and flutter, COPD, Cardiomyopathies, Causes of death, Causes of morbidity, Child health care, Child mortality, Cirrhosis of the liver, Cleft lip and cleft palate, Congenital anomalies, Congenital heart anomalies, DRGs, Decubitus ulcer, Dermatitis, Diarrheal diseases, Digestive diseases, Drownings, Echinococcosis ...  [View more]