NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO-AFRO) Geography Ghana (GHA) Coverage type Country Time period covered 09/2004 - 12/2004 Series or system Ghana HIV Sentinel Survey (HSS) Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHealth facilityUrban-rural representative Summary The purpose of this survey was to obtain current HIV prevalence figures in order to assess the impact and strategy of HIV/AIDS prevention and care initiatives. The survey investigated the HIV and syphilis prevalence and distribution among pregnant women visiting antenatal clinics and patients seeking treatment for newly diagnosed sexually transmitted infections. The data was collected through blood samples obtained at clinics. A total of 15,711 samples taken in rural and urban clinic locations were collected and analyzed. Keywords Blood tests, HIV and AIDS, STDs, Syphilis Citation Contributors Ghana Health Service Funders Department for International Development (DFiD) (United Kingdom) World Health Organization (WHO) Suggested citation Ghana Health Service. Ghana HIV Sentinel Survey 2004. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021