NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco ControlTabulations only Geography Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Coverage type Subnational Time period covered 09/2002 - 12/2002 Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalExamIndividualInterview Summary The Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Survey 2002 collected information on risks factors among residents ages 25-64. The initial sample consisted of 3,020 individuals that were randomly selected after a three-stage sampling methodology. Survey respondents were administered a questionnaire, and physical examinations to collect information on blood pressure, pulse, and body measurements. Topics covered in the questionnaire include health care utilization, health-related behavior, food habits, and physical activity. The data collection followed the recommendations of the WHO MONICA project. The survey aimed to serve as a foundation for the development of a health monitoring system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Keywords Body mass index, Diet, Fruits, Milk, Obesity, Processed meats, Tobacco smoking, Unprocessed red meat, Vegetables Citation Contributors Public Health Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Funders World Bank Suggested citation Public Health Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Survey 2002. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021