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Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Survey 2002


General Info
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
09/2002 - 12/2002
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Exam
  • Individual
  • Interview

The Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor Survey 2002 collected information on risks factors among residents ages 25-64. The initial sample consisted of 3,020 individuals that were randomly selected after a three-stage sampling methodology. Survey respondents were administered a questionnaire, and physical examinations to collect information on blood pressure, pulse, and body measurements. Topics covered in the questionnaire include health care utilization, health-related behavior, food habits, and physical activity. The data collection followed the recommendations of the WHO MONICA project. The survey aimed to serve as a foundation for the development of a health monitoring system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.