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Turkey Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors Study 2011


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Türkiye Kronik Hastalıklar ve Risk Faktörlerinin Sıklığı Çalışması Anket
Türkiye (TUR)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
07/2011 - 09/2011
Data type
  • Exam
  • Individual
  • Nationally representative

The Turkey Chronic Diseases and Risk Factor Study was a nationwide survey of individuals over the age of 15 who were registered with the Family Medicine System (a nationwide system of family health physicians). A total of 18,477 participants were interviewed and examined as part of this study. The questionnaire collected information on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle risk factors, family history, health status and medical history, mental and behavioral health, and chronic health problems. A physical exam included anthropometric and biometric measurements, including blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and urine analysis. 

Adult mortality, Agriculture, Alcohol use, Allergies, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Anthropometry, Antihypertensive drugs, Anxiety, Asthma, BCG vaccines, Back pain, Bladder cancer, Blood glucose, Blood pressure, Blood tests, Body mass index, Breast cancer, Breathing difficulty, COPD, Cancers, Cardiovascular surgical procedures, Cervix uteri cancer, Child mortality, Cholesterol, Cholesterol tests ...  [View more]