Screening for Rift Valley fever infection in northern Somalia: a GIS based survey method to overcome the lack of sampling frame Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever virus infection among French troops in Chad Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever virus infection in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) herds in rural South Africa: evidence of interepidemic transmission Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Descriptive and spatial epidemiology of Rift valley fever outbreak in Yemen 2000-2001 Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
The 2000 epidemic of Rift Valley fever in Saudi Arabia: mosquito vector studies Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Isolation and genetic characterization of Rift Valley fever virus from Aedes vexans arabiensis, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Epidemiologic Study On Rift Valley Fever In The South-West Of Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
The potential role of rattus rattus in enzootic cycle of Rift Valley Fever in Egypt 2-application of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in blood samples of Rattus rattus Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Vertical transmission of fatal Rift Valley fever in a newborn Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever risk map model and seroprevalence in selected wild ungulates and camels from Kenya Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Application of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for detection of Rift Valley Fever viral antigen from mosquito Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Ocular complications of Rift Valley fever outbreak in Saudi Arabia Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 8, 2021
More deaths from Rift Valley fever in Saudi Arabia and Yemen Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
The Risk of Nosocomial Transmission of Rift Valley Fever Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever hepatitis complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation and hepatorenal syndrome Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever epidemic in Saudi Arabia: epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory characteristics Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Serosurveillance of camels (Camelus Dromedarius) to detect antibodies against viral diseases in Saudi Arabia Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
The first serological evidence for Rift Valley fever infection in the camel, goitered gazelle and Anatolian water buffaloes in Turkey Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Seroprevalence of Rift Valley Fever among slaughterhouse personnel in Makkah during Hajj 1419h (1999) Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Domestic transmission of Rift Valley Fever virus in Diawara (Senegal) in 1998 Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Prevalence of antibodies against Rift Valley fever virus in Kenyan wildlife Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Infection by certain arboviruses among workers potentially at risk of infection Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever outbreak, Mauritania, 1998: seroepidemiologic, virologic, entomologic, and zoologic investigations Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
First isolation of the Rift Valley fever virus from Culex poicilipes (Diptera: Culicidae) in nature Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Mosquito vectors of the 1998-1999 outbreak of Rift Valley Fever and other arboviruses (Bagaza, Sanar, Wesselsbron and West Nile) in Mauritania and Senegal Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
An outbreak of Rift Valley fever in Northeastern Kenya, 1997-98 Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
An epizootic of Rift Valley fever in Egypt in 1997 Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
The potential role of rodents in the enzootic cycle of Rift Valley fever virus in Senegal Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jan 31, 2024
Rift valley Fever in Kruger national park: do buffalo play a role in the inter-epidemic circulation of virus? Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley Fever Environmental Suitability and Spillover Potential Geospatial Estimates Estimate: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Mar 12, 2022
The use of sucrose-acetone-extracted Rift Valley fever virus antigen derived from cell culture in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and haemagglutination-inhibition test Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Spectrum of Rift Valley fever virus transmission in Kenya: insights from three distinct regions Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift valley fever surveillance in the lower Senegal river basin: update 10 years after the epidemic Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift valley fever retinopathy: Observations in a new outbreak Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Arbovirus surveillance from 1990 to 1995 in the Barkedji area (Ferlo) of Senegal, a possible natural focus of Rift Valley fever virus Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Prevalence of anti-Rift-Valley-fever IgM antibody in abattoir workers in the Nile delta during the 1993 outbreak in Egypt Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Microbiological surveillance: viral hemorrhagic fever in Central African Republic: current serological data in man Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Short report: Rift Valley fever in western Africa: isolations from Aedes mosquitoes during an interepizootic period Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Rift Valley fever epizootic in small ruminants in southern Mauritania (October 1993): risk of extensive outbreaks Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Seroprevalence of five arboviruses in Zebu cattle in the Central African Republic Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Enzootic activity of Rift Valley fever virus in Senegal Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Genetic evidence for Rift Valley fever outbreaks in Madagascar resulting from virus introductions from the East African mainland rather than enzootic maintenance Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Serum antibody to Rift Valley fever virus in African carnivores Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Distribution of Rift Valley fever among cattle in Zambia Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
The prevalence of antibody to the viruses of bovine virus diarrhoea, bovine herpes virus 1, rift valley fever, ephemeral fever and bluetongue and to Leptospira sp in free-ranging wildlife in Zimbabwe Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Rift Valley fever antibody prevalence in domestic ungulates in Cameroon and several west African countries (1989-1992) following the 1987 Mauritanian outbreak Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Spatial risk assessment of Rift Valley fever in Senegal Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020
Evaluation of arthropod-borne viruses and other infectious disease pathogens as the causes of febrile illnesses in the Khartoum Province of Sudan Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 20, 2021
Recent data on Rift Valley Fever epidemiology in Senegal Scientific literature GHDx Entry last modified on: May 30, 2020