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Dataset Records for Pharmacists

Displaying 401 - 450 of 1253

Palestine Health Annual Report 2019

التقرير الصحي السنوي، فلسطين 2019 - وزارة الصحة
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative

Macedonia Statistical Yearbook 2016

Статистички Годишник На Република Македонија 2016
Report: Nationally representative - Subnationally representative

Togo Health Statistics Yearbook 2020

Annuaires Des Statistiques Sanitaires Du Togo, Année 2020
Report: Discharge - Epi surveillance - Inpatient - Outpatient - Subnationally representative

Morocco Health in Figures 2018

Santé en Chiffres 2018
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Morocco Health in Figures 2019

Santé en Chiffres 2019
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Namibia Service Provision Assessment 2009

Namibia Health Facility Census (HFC) 2009
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Health facility - Inpatient - Interview - Nationally representative - Outpatient - Subnationally representative

Brazil Medical Sanitary Assistance Survey 2009

Pesquisa de Assistência Médico-Sanitária (AMS) 2009
Survey: Financial - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Health facility - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative
