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Length of stay

Dataset Records for Length of stay

Displaying 1551 - 1600 of 1986

Bhutan Annual Health Bulletin 2016

ལོ་བསྟར་གསོ་བའི་གནས་དེབ། ༢༠༡༦
Report: Epi surveillance - Inpatient - Outpatient - Subnationally representative

Guinea Statistical Yearbook 2021

Annuaire Statistique 2021
Report: Epi surveillance - Inpatient - Nationally representative - Outpatient - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Portugal Statistical Yearbook 2000

Anuário Estatístico de Portugal 2000
Report: Epi surveillance - Financial - National vital registration - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative

Peru Living Standards Measurement Survey 1994

Living Standards Survey, Nacional la Encuesta de Hogares sobre Medición de Niveles de Vida (ENNIV), Encuesta Nacional de Niveles de Vida 1994
Survey: Household - Longitudinal

North Macedonia Statistical Yearbook 2021

Статистички годишник на Република Северна Македонија 2021
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative
