Impaired kidney function
Intimate Partner Violence
- Cumulative risk approach of HIV/AIDS due to IPV
- Directly calculated population attributable fractions
- Risk factor estimation
- Crosswalk alternate definitions
- Adjustment to data points from sources where population is only ever partnered or currently partnered women
- Dismod-MR 2.1: Time series of ever been partnered
- Dismod-MR 2.1: (1) Exposure to lifetime IPV (2) Exposure to IPV in the past 12 months
- Custom meta-analysis for relative risk of depressive disorders and abortion
- Calculate PAF using exposure, relative risks, TMREL
Iron deficiency
Lead Exposure
- Age-sex splitting
- Application of mediation factors
- Bradmod
- Calculate CLBI
- Calculate shift in IQ
- Calculate shift in SBP
- Crosswalk lead to geometric means
Low birthweight and prematurity
- Exposure: Birth weight mean regression
- Exposure: Gestational Age mean regression
- Exposure: Copula family and parameters selection
- Exposure: Birth weight ensemble distribution modeling
- Exposure: Gestational Age ensemble distribution modeling
- Exposure: Joint Distribution modeling using copula
- Exposure: Calculate prevalence for early neonatal period and late neonatal period
- RR / TMREL: Logistic Regressions - USA
- RR / TMREL: Weight USA-based logistic regression RRs with meta-analysis RRs
- PAF Calculations
Occupational Exposures
- Combine economically active pop with industry %
- Combine with exposure data
- Crosswalk using mixed effect model
- Scale GPR category outputs to 1
Physical Inactivity
- Application of mediation factors
- Apply a percentile value to each MET-minute/week category
- Bayesian regressions (BradMod)
- Calculate PAFs using exposure, relative risks, and TMREL
- Calculate proportion in each activity level
- Convert frequency, intensity, and duration to MET-minutes per week
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Map percentiles from relative risk studies
- Rescale all six proportion models to sum to 100%
- Run log-log ordinary least squares regression
- Two pre-DisMod crosswalks
Radon Exposure
- Application of mediation factors
- Calculate PAFs
- Calculate relative risk
- Crosswalk radon to geometric means
Second-hand Smoke
- Adjustment of denominator from non-smokers to general pop
- Application of mediation factors
- Bayesian MCMC nonlinear curve-fitting
- Calculate PAFs
- Crosswalk estimates from surveys
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Literature review
Smokeless tobacco
- Age-sex splitting
- Application of mediation factors
- Calculate PAFs
- Cross-walk between different definitions
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
Spatiotemporal Gaussian Process Regression
- Rescale or aggregate subnational estimates
- Cross-Validation
- Data Processing
- Gaussian Process Regression
- Linear Model
- Register model
- Spatiotemporal smooting
- Upload data
Suboptimal Breastfeeding
- Application of mediation factors
- Discontinued regional RR adjustments
- Non-exclusive regional RR adjustments
- Rescale non-exclusive categories
- Scale to proportion of ABF
Unsafe Drinking Water
- Calculate PAFs
- Household water treatment proportions generated
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Remaining water categories calculated and scaled to 1
- Water source estimates generated
Unsafe Handwashing
- Calculate PAFs
- Estimates from the two models multiplied together
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Calculate exposure proportion
Unsafe Sanitation
- Calculate PAFs
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Remaining sanitation category is estimated
- Two sanitation estimates generated
Unsafe Sex
- Extract proportion of HIV cases attributable to IDU, sex, CSW, and "other"
- age-split data
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Adjust three DisMod models to sum to 100% at 1,000 draw level
Vitamin A deficiency
- Calculate PAFs
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis of relative risks