Acute Glomerulonephritis
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Acute Hep A
Acute Hep B
- Carrier to acute conversion
- CodCorrect
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 1)
- Mortality = incidence * case fatality
Acute Hep C
Acute Hep E
Alcohol use disorders
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Alzheimer disease & other dementias
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 1)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 2)
- EMR regression
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD Mapping
- Log-linear interpolation
- Noise reduction
- Nonfatal age sex splitting and age splitting
- Select coutnries with highest CSMR/prev ratios
- Standardize Input Data
Amphetamine Dependence
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Analytical flowchart for the development of the GBD 2016 cause of death database
- 01. Standardize Input Data
- 01.1 Disaggregation
- 01.2 State Splitting
- 01.4 Calculate non-maternal deaths
- 02. Map to GBD Cause list
- 02.2 State splitting
- 03. Age-sex splitting
- 03.1 Generate global age-sex weights by cause
- 04. Correct age-sex violations
- 05. Redistribution
- 05.1 Redistribute HIV-related garbage
- 05.2 Regress garbage codes vs. non-garbage
- 05.3 VA anemia adjustment
- 06. HIV misclassification correction
- 07. Scale strata to province
- 08. Restrictions post-redistribution
- 09. Drop VR country-years or mark as non-representative
- 10. Cause aggregation
- 11. Remove shocks and HIV/AIDS maternal adjustments
- 11.1 Remove HIV/AIDS, shocks from denominator HIV/AIDS in cause list
- 11.2 Remove HIV/AIDS deaths from maternal mortality sources
- 11.3 HIV/AIDS correction of sibling history, census, and survey data
- 11.4 HIV/AIDS correction of other maternal mortality data
- 12.1 VR and CR noise reduction
- 12.2 VA noise reduction
- ICD 10 subtotal recalculation
- Map incidence data using nonfatal cause list
- Map mortality data to GBD cause list
- Age-sex splitting
- Cause disaggregation
- Redistribute cancer data
- Combine matching incidence and mortality data
- Retain best matched MI data
- Linear step models with validation
- Retain best incidence data
- Combine MI estimates with best incidence data
- Modeling ST-GPR
Anorexia nervosa
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Aortic Aneurysm
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
- Standardize input data
- ICD mapping
- Age sex splitting
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect