- Cause of death estimation
- Nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Nonfatal health outcome estimation: All other outbreaks
- Nonfatal health outcome estimation: West Africa
EMBID disorders
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- Age-pattern analysis
- Age-sex splitting
- MR-BRT sex ratio analysis
- Exclude deaths due to nonfunctional goiter from CSMR
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis
- Severity splits
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Adjustment for readmissions and from primary code to all code based on claims data
- Apply proportion of long-term outcome
- Apply proportion of long-term outcome type
- Apply proportion of sequelae type
- Calculate EMR
- Central squeeze and severity splits
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Epilepsy envelope squeeze
- Incidence cumulative added to subseqent age
- Proportions of long-term outcome type
- Proportions of sequelae given long-term outcome
- Regression of ln(GDP) and proportion
- MR-BRT sex splitting
- MR-BRT crosswalk claims and surveillance to adjusted inpatient data
- Age splitting
Endometriosis:Nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Age-split
- Data Adjustments: MR-BRT crosswalks
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe endometriosis
- Severity splits
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- MR-BRT Sex Ratio Analysis
- Age-pattern Analysis
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for alternative case definition/method
- Age-sex splitting
- Idiopathic Proportion: Mixed Effects Binomial Regression; Fixed effects: under-5 mortality, pigmeat consumption, sanitation, study quality; Random Effects: Super-region
- Severe Proportion: Mixed Effects Binomial Regression; Fixed effect: Healthcare Access and Quality Index; Random Effects: Super-region
- Treatment Proportion Mixed Effects Binomial Regression; Fixed effect: Healthcare Access and Quality Index; Random Effects: Super-region
- Seizure free on tx:Binomial Regression; Fixed effect: Healthcare access and quality index
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Age-sex splitting
- Case defintion adjustment
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
- Prevalence proportions of levels of intellectual disability
Foodborne Trematodiasis: Clonorchiasis
- Age sex splitting
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Foodborne Trematodiasis: Fascioliasis
- Age sex splitting
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Foodborne Trematodiasis: Intestinal Fluke
- Age sex splitting
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Foodborne Trematodiasis: Opisthorchiasis
- Age sex splitting
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Foodborne Trematodiasis: Paragonimiasis
- Age sex splitting
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Fungal Skin Diseases
- Age-sex splitting
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
Gallbladder and biliary diseases
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Age-pattern analysis
- Age-sex splitting
- Model remission using linear regression models
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- MR-BRT sex ratio analysis
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Meta analysis
- Severity splits