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Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019) Data Input Sources Tool

Data resources from the current GBD round are available at Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 (GBD 2021) Data Resources.

The Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019) synthesizes a large number of input sources to estimate mortality, causes of death and illness, and risk factors.

The Data Input Sources Tool lets you explore GBD 2019 input sources and retrieve relevant metadata.

Use the selection boxes below to see these input sources by GBD component, geography, and cause. After you have made your selection, you can view and access GHDx catalog records for input sources used by GBD.

Download these input sources as a CSV file to see more information about how they were used in the analysis for the Global Burden of Disease. This CSV file contains relevant metadata about the input sources as suggested in the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER), a statement that promotes best practices in reporting health estimates.

For detailed information on the tool and the contents of the CSV files, refer to the following documents:


Results for component: Nonfatal Health Outcomes, impairment: Blindness and vision loss, location: Global.

Total Citations: 481

Total Source Metadata Rows: 21192



Park SH, Lee JS, Heo H, Suh YW, Kim SH, Lim KH, Moon NJ, Lee SJ, Park SH, Baek SH. A nationwide population-based study of low vision and blindness in South Korea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015; 56(1.0): 484-93.

Laitinen A, Koskinen S, Härkänen T, Reunanen A, Laatikainen L, Aromaa A. A nationwide population-based survey on visual acuity, near vision, and self-reported visual function in the adult population in Finland. Ophthalmology. 2005; 112(12): 2227-37.

Nirmalan PK, Thulasiraj RD, Maneksha V, Rahmathullah R, Ramakrishnan R, Padmavathi A, Munoz SR, Ellwein LB. A population based eye survey of older adults in Tirunelveli district of south India: blindness, cataract surgery, and visual outcomes. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002; 86(5): 505-12.

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Comprehensive Health and Education Forum International (CHEF) (Pakistan), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Afghanistan Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2010.

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International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Argentina - Buenos Aires Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2003. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.

International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Argentina Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness Survey 2013. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository, 2013.

Bettadapura GS, Donthi K, Datti NP, Ranganath BG, Ramaswamy SB, Jayaram TS. Assessment of avoidable blindness using the rapid assessment of avoidable blindness methodology. N Am J Med Sci. 2012; 4(9): 389-93.

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Centre for Vision Research, University of Sydney. Australia - Blue Mountains Eye Study 1992-1994.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Barisal Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2013.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Brahmanbaria and Satkhira Districts Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2012.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Gazipur, Kishoreganj, and Cox's Bazar Districts Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2010. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.

International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Kushtia Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness Survey 2011. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository, 2011.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Narail and Jamalpur Districts Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2010.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Satkhira District Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2005. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.

CSF Global (Bangladesh), International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bangladesh - Tangail Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2011. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.

International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH), National Institute of Ophthalmology (Bangladesh). Bangladesh National Blindness and Low Vision Prevalence Survey 1999-2000.

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International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Bhutan Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness Survey 2009. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository, 2009.

Rutzen AR, Ellish NJ, Schwab L, Graham PJ, Pizzarello LD, Hemady RK, Maldonado MJ. Blindness and eye disease in Cambodia. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2007; 14(6): 360-6.

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Schémann JF, Inocencio F, de Lourdes Monteiro M, Andrade J, Auzemery A, Guelfi Y. Blindness and low vision in Cape Verde Islands: results of a national eye survey. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2006; 13(4): 219-26.

Zerihun N, Mabey D. Blindness and low vision in Jimma Zone, Ethopia: results of a population-based survey. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 1997; 4(1): 19-26.

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Thulasiraj RD, Nirmalan PK, Ramakrishnan R, Krishnadas R, Manimekalai TK, Baburajan NP, Katz J, Tielsch JM, Robin AL. Blindness and vision impairment in a rural south Indian population: the Aravind Comprehensive Eye Survey. Ophthalmology. 2003; 110(8): 1491-8.

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International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Botswana Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2013-2014. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.

International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH). Brazil - Campinas Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness 2004. Grootebroek, Netherlands: RAAB Repository.
