Alcohol Use
- Calculate tourism adjustment
- Adjust for tourism
- Calculate PAFs and adjust for MVA
- PAF functions
- Format PAFs
- PAF cirrhosis and liver cancer redistribution
- Crosswalk using mixed effect model
- Age split
- Sex split
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Adjust for unrecorded consumption, scale proportions, and split by age/sex proportions
- Adjust MVA PAF
Ambient Ozone
- Exposure
- Gridcell level linear extrapolation to 2019 based on 2008-2017
- Relative risk
Bullying victimization
- Exposure
- Relative risks
- PAFs
Ambient Particulate Matter
- GEOS-Chem chemical transport model
- Estimation of gridded surface PM2.5
- Bayesian Hierarchical Calibration model
- Weight using gridded population to get location-level exposure
- MR-BRT Spline fitting
- Calculate TMREL
- MR-BRT spline fitting for BWGA
- Shift BWGA distributions based on ambient and household exposure
- Generate BWGA PAFs based on PM-deleted counterfactual
- Application of mediation factors where applicable
- Relative risk
Analytical flowchart of the comparative risk assessment for the estimation of population attributable fractions
- 1. Effect size estimation
- 1b. Adjustment of relative risk to be compatible with exposure
- 1b. Integrated exposure response curve
- 1b. Meta-analysis\meta-regression of relative risks
- 1b. Select best unbiased study
- 2. Exposure estimation
- 2b. Age-sex split
- 2b. Correct for representativeness
- 2b. Cross-walk between different definitions
- 2b. Cross-walk between measurement methods
- 2c. Bayesian cross-walk using satellite models
- 2c. Cohort-based simulation
- 2c. Out sample cross validation
- 2c. ST-GPR
- 2d. Assess distribution in population
- 2c. DisMod - MR 2.1
- 4. Theoretical minimum risk exposure level
- 4b. Calculate\decide TMREL and uncertainty
- 3. Estimate summary exposure values
- 5.Estimate population attributable fractions
- 6. Mediation
- 7. Estimate attributable burden
Body Mass Index
- Age-sex splitting
- Self-report adjustment
- ST-GPR model specification
- ST-GPR computation
- Estimating mean BMI
- Characterize relationship between BMI, overweight, obesity
- Characterizing the BMI distribution
- Calculate PAFs
Bone Mineral Density
- Age specific 99th percentile as TMREL
- Calculate ensemble weight distribution
- Calculate PAFS
- Dismod-MR 2.1
Drug Use
Lead Exposure
- Application of mediation factors
- Calculate PAFs
- Fit ensemble distribution on microdata
- Age-sex splitting
- Dismod ODE
- Calculate CLBI
- Calculate shift in IQ
- Crosswalk lead to arithmetic means
Chewing tobacco
- Age-sex splitting
- Ratio calculation between models
- Smokeless tobacco data adjustment with ratio
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- PAF calculation
Child growth failure
- Optimize SD on Mean, Prevalence of
- Combine distribution weights weight mean, SD to create z-score distribution
- Integrate at mild, moderate, and severe thresholds
- Extract four Z-score based values (mean Z-score, prevalence of
- Crosswalk tabulated 1978 NCHS growth standard data to equivalent WHO 2006 growth standard values (
- Linear regression of predict mean Z-score value for all location-age-sex-year where not published
- Calculate HAZ, WAZ, WHZ Z-score for children 0-59 months using WHO Child Growth Standards
- Collapse into geography-year-age-sex mean, SD
- Age- and sex-splitting of aggregate data into GBD age/sex groups based on microdata age/sex pattern
- Ensemble distributions fit using individual level microdata by survey and sex
- Calculate the effect of each of the three undernutrition indicators adjusted for the effect of the other two
- Calculate PAFs using exposure, relative risks, and TMREL
Radon Exposure
- Estimate exposure distribution (assuming lognormal)
- Application of mediation factors
- Exposure
- Relative risk