Inguinal, femoral, and abdominal hernia
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis
- Model excess mortality in MR-BRT
- Model remission using linear regression models
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- Severity splits
Inpatient hospital
- Inpatient pipeline
- Format and standardize ICD codes by source
- Map to detailed sequelae (ICG)
- Apply age/sex restrictions
- Calculate age/sex weights
- Apply age/sex weights to data
- Re-apply age/sex restrictions
- Apply envelope draws to admission fractions
- Aggregate to ICGs to modeling bundle
- Square the data
- Aggregate to 5-year estimates
- Apply correction factors
- Upload to database
- Maternal denominator
- Inpatient pipeline
- CFs
Intellectual disability
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis stratified by income status: Proportion of IQ
- Meta-analysis: Ratio of borderline (IQ 70-85) to
- Severity splits
- Squeeze severity-specific outcomes to severity-specific envelopes
Interstitial Lung Disease
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Computing excess mortality
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Severity splits
- Inpatient hospital data
Interstitial Nephritis
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis
- Model excess mortality in MR-BRT
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- Severity splits
Invasive Non-typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS)
Iodine deficiency
- Age sex splitting
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Identify studies reporting cretinism & goiter
- Regress logit prevalence of cretinism on logit prevalence of goiter
- Predict cretinism prevalence among children
- Drop countries with 90% national household consumption of iodized salt
- Intellectual disability analysis
Iron Deficiency
Ischemic Heart Disease
- Age sex splitting and bias adjustment
- Claims data code adjustment
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Disability weights for each sequela
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Equation for calculating 30-day survivors
- Excess mortality transformed 30-day case fatality
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Multiply MI:IHD by post-CodCorrect proportion
- Proportion of pre-redistribution, pre-CoDCorrect IHD that is pre-redistribution AMI
- Remove to avoid double-counting
- Severity splits
- Age sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Proportion of Grade 1 Cases Regression
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Geographic Restrictions
Low back pain
- Case deifinition crosswalk
- MAD outliering
- Age-sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Map SF-12 to GBD disability weights
- Proportion LBP cases with code for leg pain
- Regression to estimate disability weight by cause in survey respondents controlling for comorbidity
- Severity splits
Lower Respiratory Infections
- Adjust for seasonality
- Severity splits
- DisMod-MR proportion models
- Calculate PAF using LRI odds given etiology detection
- Adjust PCV vaccine efficacy
- Calculate attributable fraction for Hib
- Calculate attributable fraction for pneumonia among RCT studies and adjusting for hib PAF
- Adjust for vaccine coverage
- Model incidence & prevalence in DisMod-MR
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Apply etiology-specific cause fractions to morbidity
Lymphatic filariasis
Macular degeneration
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Age-sex splitting
- MR-BRT Sex Ratio Analysis
- Age Pattern analysis
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for Alternative Case Defintion / Method
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Split into moderate and severe vision loss
- Squeeze into severity-specific vision loss envelope