- Outpatient pipeline
- Outpatient CF
- 1. Nonfatal health outcome estimation for pancreatitis, acute episodes
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on claims data
- Age-pattern analysis
- Age-sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- MR-BRT sex ratio analysis
- Severity splits
- 2. Nonfatal health outcome estimation for chronic pancreatitis
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on claims data
- Age-pattern analysis
- Age-sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis
- Model excess mortality in MR-BRT
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
- MR-BRT sex ratio analysis
- Severity splits
Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Model excess mortality in MR-BRT
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for altenrative case definition/method
Parkinson Disease
- Age-pattern analysis
- Age-sex splitting
- MR-BRT bias correction analysis for Alternative Case Defintion / Method
- CODEm (model 1)
- CODEm (model 2)
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 1)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 2)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 3)
- EMR regression using countries with highest CSMR to prevalence ratios
- Select countries with the highest CSMR\ prevalence ratios
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe Parkinson's
- Noise reduction
- Severity splits
- Standardize input data
- Multiple Cause of Death data analysis
- Parkinson's disease redistribution
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Adjustment from primary code to all code for both inpatient and outpatient encounters based on claims data
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Split PID parent model
- Severity Splits
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
Peptic Ulcer Disease
- 1. Nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- Convert claims to cases, Apply duration window, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Convert inpatient encounters to incident or prevalent cases (+/- Adjust: primary dx -> any inpatient -> any), Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Model excess mortality in MR-BRT
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- 1. Nonfatal health outcomes estimation
- 2. Anemia estimation
- 3. Severity and anemia split
Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Age sex splitting, bias adjustment
- Age sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Disability weights for each sequela
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Split overall prevalence by proportion
- Geographic exclusions
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Severity splits
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Computing excess mortality
- DisMod-MR 2.1
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Age and sex split
- Crosswalks
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe PCOS
- Severity splits
Premenstrual syndrome
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Pregnancy adjustment
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Age and sex split
- Crosswalks
Protein-energy malnutrition
- Proportion of children with edema & weight-for-age z-score
- DisMod: Single parameter proportion model
- Subtract proportion of edema among WHZ
- Calculate weight-for-age (WHZ) z-score using WHO Growth Standards (2006)
- Collapse into geography-year-age-sex proportion of WHZ
- Proportion of children under 5 with WHZ
- Subtract prevalence of WHZ
- Multiply prevalence of WHZ
- DisMod: Full paramter model (WHZ
- Multiply prevalence of WHZ
- Zero out prevalence of population over 5 years old
- Subtract from the prevalence of WHZ
- Scale prevalence to equal prevalence from full parameter model for >5 years (
- Apply ratio to prevalence to calculate incidence
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate and apply population denominator
- Convert claims to prevalent cases
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Age-sex splitting
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1