Ischemic Heart Disease
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Ischemic Stroke
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Lower respiratory infections
- LRI mortality
- Standardize input data
- ICD mapping
- Age-sex splitting
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- Correct miscoding of Alzheimer's and other dementias, and Parkinson's
- CodCorrect
- DisMod MR to estimate proportion of severe LRI
- Calculate PAF using odds of LRI given detection of etiology
- Adjust vaccine efficacy for difference in pneumonia, invasive pneumococcal disease
- Apply etiology specific cause fractions to LRI mortality estimates
- LRI etiology
- Case fatality rate mixed effects regression
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD Mapping
- Negative binomial model
Maternal disorders
- Age sex splitting
- Etiology & Timing Splits
- Calculation of etiology proportions
- CodCorrect
- DisMod models
- Etiology splits
- Garbage code redistribution
- HIV Correction of CoD data
- ICD Mapping
- Late maternal death adjustment
- Noise reduction
- PAF of maternal to HIV\AIDS
- RR of AIDS death
- RR of death in pregnancy
- Standardize Input Data
- Age-sex splitting
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect
- CODEm models (data-rich countries only)
- Deaths = cases * CFR
- Age-sex splitting (based on cause of death data)
- Combine CODEm deaths from data-rich countries and natural history model deaths from remaining countries
- Standardize input data
- Mixed-effects negative binomial regression
- Cause of death estimation
- Etiology fraction estimations
Motor Neuron Disease
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Multidrug-resistant HIV\AIDS-tuberculosis, extensively drug-resistant HIV\AIDS-tuberculosis and drug-sensitive HIV\AIDS-tuberculosis
- Calculate fractions of HIV-TB deaths among all TB deaths
- Mixed effects regression to predict proportions of HIV-TB among all TB cases
- Compute relative risks by location\year and a median relative risk of TB deaths among HIV positive individuals
- Predict fraction of HIV-TB deaths for all locations and years
- HIV-TB deaths=(fraction \(1- fraction))* TB no-HIV deaths
- Age-split HIV-TB deaths
- Apply a cap of 45% on the fraction of HIV-TB deaths among HIV deaths
- Calculate proportions of MDR-TB in HIV-TB cases
- Meta-analysis (RR of mortality in MDR-TB cases)
- Calculate fractions of MDR-TB deaths in HIV-TB deaths
- Apply fractions of MDR-TB deaths to HIV-TB deaths
- Meta-analysis (RR of mortality in XDR-TB cases)
- Calculate super-region level proportions of XDR- TB in MDR-TB cases
- Calculate fractions of XDR-TB deaths in MDR-TB deaths
- Apply fractions of XDR-TB deaths
- Subtract MDR-HIV-TB deaths from all HIV-TB deaths
- Subtract XDR-HIV-TB deaths from MDR-HIV-TB deaths