Acute Glomerulonephritis
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Acute Hep A
- ICD mapping
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect
- Age sex splitting
- Standardize input data
Acute Hep B
- ICD mapping
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect
- Age sex splitting
- Standardize input data
Acute Hep C
- ICD mapping
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect
- Age sex splitting
- Standardize input data
Acute Hep E
- ICD mapping
- Garbage code redistribution
- Noise reduction
- CoDCorrect
- Age sex splitting
- Standardize input data
Alcohol use disorders
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data
Alzheimer disease & other dementias
- Relative Risk models by cause (MR-BRT)
- Calculation of PAF of each cause for dementia
- Subtraction of dementia due to other GBD causes
- MR-BRT Sex Ratio Analysis
- Age-pattern analysis
- MR-BRT Bias Correction Analysis for Alternative Case Defintion / Method
- Age-sex splitting
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 1)
- MR-BRT attributable risk meta-analysis
- MR-BRT relative risk meta-analysis
- Calculate excess all-cause mortality due to dementia
- Calculate excess end-stage disease proportions in those with dementia
- Calculate excess end-stage disease proportions out of excess dementia deaths
- Calculate total excess dementia deaths with end stage disease markers as deaths due to dementia
- Interpolation to calculate deaths for all years
- CodCorrect
Amphetamine Dependence
- Age sex splitting
- CodCorrect
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Standardize input data