Otitis media
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Age sex splitting
- Assume all acute cases have ear pain
- Converting period to point prevalence
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity split (% vertigo and % severe)
- Severity splits
- Format and standardize ICD codes
- Map and aggregate to modeling causes
- Aggregate individual injury causes to make grouped injury causes
- Calculate prevalence and inciden correction factors
- Apply appropriate Marketscan correction factors to hospital data
- Apply age\sex restrictions
- 2. Chronic nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Convert claims to cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to prevalent cases using correction factors, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert outpatient encounters to prevalent cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- Severity splits
- 1. Acute episode, nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Calculate correction factor
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Convert claims to incident cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to incident cases using correction factor, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Computing excess mortality from available incidence & CSMR data
- DisMod-MR 2.1
Parkinson Disease
- CODEm (model 1)
- CODEm (model 2)
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Age-sex splitting and Age-splitting
- EMR regression using countries with highest CSMR to prevalence ratios
- Select countries with the highest CSMR\ prevalence ratios
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe Dementia
- Multiple Cause of Death data analysis
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 1)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 2)
- Dismod-MR 2.1 (model 3)
- Garbage code redistribution
- ICD mapping
- Noise reduction
- Parkinson's disease redistribution
- Severity splits
- Standardize input data
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Incidence restriction in older ages
- etiology attribution
- Severity splits
Peptic Ulcer Disease
- 1. Nonfatal health outcome estimation
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Convert claims to cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to prevalent cases using correction factors, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- 3. Severity and anemia split
- 2. Anemia estimation
- Anemia causal attribution
Periodontal diseases
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Correction for proportion of the population with edentulism
- Dismod-MR 2.1
Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Age sex splitting
- Split overall prevalence by proportion
- Disability weights for each sequela
- DisMod-MR 2.1
Permanent caries
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1; excess mortality rate set to 0
- Calculation of D\DMF ratio for all data where both measures exist, for ages
- Calculation of incidence as the DMF increment between adjacent ages for ages
- Conversion of DMF scores to dental caries prevalence using d\dmf ratio calculated from the same row, study, or location
- Correction for proportion of the population with edentulism
- Meta-analysis of percent of conditions associated with edentulism and severe tooth loss
- Severity splits
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Computing excess mortality
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Geographic exclusions
- Meta-analysis of mild, moderate, severe
- Severity splits
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Meta-analysis of % mild, moderate, severe PCOS
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
Premenstrual syndrome
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Adjustment from primary code to all code based on Claims data
- Pregnancy adjustment
- Dismod-MR 2.1