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Nepal Living Standards Measurement Survey 2010-2011


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Nepal Living Standards Survey 2010-2011
Nepal (NPL)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
02/2010 - 02/2011
Series or system 
Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) - World Bank
Data type
  • Community
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Interview
  • Longitudinal
  • Nationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

The third wave of the Nepal Living Standards Survey, this survey consists of a nationally representative sample as well as a smaller panel sample drawn from households that had previously participated in one or both of the previous rounds of the survey. The cross-sectional sample included 5,988 households and the panel sample included 1,032 households. The household questionnaire covered topics including housing conditions, access to facilities, household expenditures, education, health, employment, and agriculture. Rural and urban community questionnaires were also used, covering topics such as population, access to facilities, and economic characteristics.

Agriculture, Alcohol use, Analgesics, Antenatal care, Antibiotics, Antihelminthics, Antimalarials, Assets, Asthma, BCG vaccines, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Blood tests, Breastfeeding, Cancers, Child anthropometry, Child labor, Community action, Community health workers, Complete birth history, Condoms, Contraceptive implants, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Coping behavior, Crops, DTP vaccines, Diabetes, Diagnostic equipment, Diarrhea, Diet, Disability, Domestic migration, Drug supply, Education, Education access, Education expenditures, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Epilepsy, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family planning, Family size, Fertilizers, Fishing, Food expenditures, HIV and AIDS, Health care access, Health care personnel, Health care use, Health facility conditions, Health literacy, Health status, Hepatitis B vaccines, Hours worked, Household air pollution, Household expenditures, Housing, Housing conditions, Housing materials, IUDs, Immunization, Income, Influenza, Injectable contraceptives, Injuries, International migration, Internet, Iodine supplements, Iron supplements, Jaundice, Laboratories, Literacy, Livestock, Living conditions, Loans, Malaria, Marital status, Marriage age, Mass media, Measles, Measles vaccines, Medical tests, Mining, Neglected tropical diseases, Nurses, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, Parental survival, Parents, Personal health expenditures, Pesticides, Physicians, Place of delivery, Polio vaccines, Postnatal care, Poverty, Prices, Private social assistance, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Respiratory infections, Sanitation, School enrollment, Schools, Sense organ diseases, Sexual sterilization, Skilled birth attendants, Skin diseases, Stool tests, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco smoking, Traditional birth control, Tuberculosis, Unemployment, Urine tests, Vaccination cards, Waste disposal, Water supply