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Sub-Saharan Africa MenAfriVac Coverage Estimates 2010-2021


General Info
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
Benin (BEN)
Burundi (BDI)
Cameroon (CMR)
Chad (TCD)
Eritrea (ERI)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Gambia (GMB)
Ghana (GHA)
Guinea (GIN)
Kenya (KEN)
Mali (MLI)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Senegal (SEN)
Sudan (SDN)
Togo (TGO)
Uganda (UGA)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2010 - 12/2021
Data type

This dataset provides estimates of vaccination coverage for meningococcal serogroup A conjugate vaccine (MenAfriVac®) for 24 countries in the meningitis belt of sub-Saharan Africa between 2010 and 2021. Indicators include mean and 95% uncertainty intervals for the estimated coverage for children aged 1 to 5 and children and young adults aged 1 to 29. These estimates include coverage from both mass vaccination campaigns and routine immunization delivery. The estimation process primarily utilized survey report data and country-reported administrative vaccine coverage data.