Global Health Data Exchange - Discover the World's Health Data

Uganda Integrated Infectious Disease Capacity-Building Evaluation (IDCAP)

Series type 
Administrative data
Disease registry
Time period 
2009 - 2011

The Integrated Infectious Disease Capacity-Building Evaluation (IDCAP) was a 3-year program designed to better equip mid-level practitioners (MLPs) in 36 Ugandan health facilities to manage infectious diseases, while providing the global health community with a better understanding of which training methods produce the best and most cost-effective results. Accordia Global Health Foundation collaborated with the Ugandan Ministry of Health and several other organizations to provide training for MLPs to increase clinical competence and practice. On-Site Support (OSS) was provided to improve facility performance and health outcomes. The effectiveness of these interventions on facility performance was evaluated through analysis of data from patient visits and Ministry of Health registers. The GHDx is the repository for these data, which are freely downloadable:

An additional patient visit dataset and publications resulting from IDCAP are also indexed in the GHDx, though available only from external providers.

Uganda Integrated Infectious Disease Capacity-Building Evaluation (IDCAP) Dataset Records

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