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Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-2011


General Info
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Bulgaria (BGR)
Croatia (HRV)
Czechia (CZE)
Denmark (DNK)
Estonia (EST)
Åland Islands
France (FRA)
Germany (DEU)
Greece (GRC)
Hungary (HUN)
Ireland (IRL)
Italy (ITA)
Latvia (LVA)
Lithuania (LTU)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (PRT)
Romania (ROU)
Serbia (SRB)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
Spain (ESP)
Sweden (SWE)
Finland (FIN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2000 - 12/2011
Data type
Scientific literature:
  • Verbal autopsy