Low birthweight and prematurity
- LBW: Crosswalk to
- Adjustment for multiple admissions, code position, inpatient:outpatient ratio,
- Develop copula parameters based on simulated joint distribution fit to observed data
- MLE: Mean GA from
- Full ensemble distribution of BW and GA
- Simulate joint distribution of BW and GA
- Lifetable calculations to calculate ENN & LNN prevalence per 500g and 2wk category
- Summarize in broader categories
- Convert RR from broad literature categories to 500g and 2wk bins using location-year specific BW and GA distributions
- Meta-analyze literature and microdata relative risk surfaces to create location-specific RRs
- Identify TMREL categories (lowest risk bins)
- Calculate all-cause mortality odds using logistic regression with dummy variables for each 500g and 2wk category, by sex and location
- Smooth mortality odds categories using Gaussian Process Regression
- Divide all categories by lowest mortality risk to calculate relative risk per 500g and 2wk category, by sex and location
- Develop ensemble weights for candidate distributions based on predictive validity of held out data
- Calculate PAFs using exposure, relative risks, and TMREL
Occupational Exposures
- Prepare estimates of total employed workforce, employment by occupation, and employment by economic activity
- Calculate exposures to carcinogens, occupation-related risk factors, industry-related risk factors, and asbestos
- Calculate injury rates and pafs
- Extract and clean occupation and economic activity microdata
Vitamin A deficiency
- PAF Calculation
- ST-GPR (Vit A supplementation coverage)
- ST-GPR (Vit A deficiency)
- Meta-analysis/meta-regression of RR with MR-BRT
- Vit A deficiency
- Estimate Ensemble Distribution
- Scale to Consumption Envelope
- Age-sex splitting
- Calculate PAFs
- Cross-walk between different definitions
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Estimate Pack-Years
Second-hand Smoke
- Calculate PAFs
- Bayesian MCMC nonlinear curve-fitting
- Probability of SHS Exposure Calculation
Suboptimal Breastfeeding
- Calculate PAFs
- Generate BF indicators and scale categories of breastfeeding to proportion of Any Breastfeeding
- Add collapsed data and impute Any Breastfeeding 12-23 months when only present for a location/year in Any Breastfeeding 6-11 months
- ST-GPR modeling
- Re-scale breastfeeding categories (Exclusive, Predominant, and Partial)
- Calculate discontinued breastfeeding 0 to 5 months and 6 to 23 months
- Meta-regression of relative risks
Spatiotemporal Gaussian Process Regression
- Rescale or aggregate subnational estimates
- Cross-Validation
- Data Processing
- Gaussian Process Regression
- Linear Model
- Register model
- Spatiotemporal smooting
- Upload data
- Aggregation to daily values
- RR for daily temperature categories on admin 1 level
- (Meta-)regression of relative risks against temperature exposure
- Calculate PAFs using exposure, relative risk curves, and TMREL
- Minimum of death weighted aggregates of causes-specific minimum mortality temperature