ALL GBD Causes of Death and Illness Causes of Death Nonfatal Health Outcomes Covariates Mortality and Population Risk Factors Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Select All causes Communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis Tuberculosis Drug-susceptible tuberculosis Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis without extensive drug resistance Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis Latent tuberculosis infection HIV/AIDS Drug-susceptible HIV/AIDS - Tuberculosis Multidrug-resistant HIV/AIDS - Tuberculosis without extensive drug resistance Extensively drug-resistant HIV/AIDS - Tuberculosis HIV/AIDS resulting in other diseases Diarrhea, lower respiratory, and other common infectious diseases Diarrheal diseases Intestinal infectious diseases Typhoid fever Paratyphoid fever Other intestinal infectious diseases Lower respiratory infections Upper respiratory infections Otitis media Meningitis Pneumococcal meningitis H influenzae type B meningitis Meningococcal meningitis Other meningitis Encephalitis Diphtheria Whooping cough Tetanus Measles Varicella and herpes zoster Neglected tropical diseases and malaria Malaria Chagas disease Leishmaniasis Visceral leishmaniasis Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis African trypanosomiasis Schistosomiasis Cysticercosis Cystic echinococcosis Lymphatic filariasis Onchocerciasis Trachoma Dengue Yellow fever Rabies Intestinal nematode infections Ascariasis Trichuriasis Hookworm disease Food-borne trematodiases Leprosy Ebola Zika virus Guinea worm disease Other neglected tropical diseases Maternal disorders Maternal hemorrhage Maternal sepsis and other maternal infections Maternal hypertensive disorders Maternal obstructed labor and uterine rupture Maternal abortion, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy Indirect maternal deaths Late maternal deaths Maternal deaths aggravated by HIV/AIDS Other maternal disorders Neonatal disorders Neonatal preterm birth complications Neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma Neonatal sepsis and other neonatal infections Hemolytic disease and other neonatal jaundice Other neonatal disorders Nutritional deficiencies Protein-energy malnutrition Iodine deficiency Vitamin A deficiency Iron-deficiency anemia Other nutritional deficiencies Other communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases Sexually transmitted diseases excluding HIV Syphilis Chlamydial infection Gonococcal infection Trichomoniasis Genital herpes Other sexually transmitted diseases Hepatitis Acute hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Acute hepatitis E Other infectious diseases Non-communicable diseases Neoplasms Lip and oral cavity cancer Nasopharynx cancer Other pharynx cancer Esophageal cancer Stomach cancer Colon and rectum cancer Liver cancer Liver cancer due to hepatitis B Liver cancer due to hepatitis C Liver cancer due to alcohol use Liver cancer due to other causes Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer Pancreatic cancer Larynx cancer Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer Malignant skin melanoma Non-melanoma skin cancer Non-melanoma skin cancer (squamous-cell carcinoma) Non-melanoma skin cancer (basal-cell carcinoma) Breast cancer Cervical cancer Uterine cancer Ovarian cancer Prostate cancer Testicular cancer Kidney cancer Bladder cancer Brain and nervous system cancer Thyroid cancer Mesothelioma Hodgkin lymphoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Multiple myeloma Leukemia Acute lymphoid leukemia Chronic lymphoid leukemia Acute myeloid leukemia Chronic myeloid leukemia Other leukemia Other neoplasms Cardiovascular diseases Rheumatic heart disease Ischemic heart disease Cerebrovascular disease Ischemic stroke Hemorrhagic stroke Hypertensive heart disease Cardiomyopathy and myocarditis Myocarditis Alcoholic cardiomyopathy Other cardiomyopathy Atrial fibrillation and flutter Aortic aneurysm Peripheral artery disease Endocarditis Other cardiovascular and circulatory diseases Chronic respiratory diseases Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Pneumoconiosis Silicosis Asbestosis Coal workers pneumoconiosis Other pneumoconiosis Asthma Interstitial lung disease and pulmonary sarcoidosis Other chronic respiratory diseases Cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases Cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases due to hepatitis B Cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases due to hepatitis C Cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases due to alcohol use Cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases due to other causes Digestive diseases Peptic ulcer disease Gastritis and duodenitis Appendicitis Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction Inguinal, femoral, and abdominal hernia Inflammatory bowel disease Vascular intestinal disorders Gallbladder and biliary diseases Pancreatitis Other digestive diseases Neurological disorders Alzheimer disease and other dementias Parkinson disease Epilepsy Multiple sclerosis Motor neuron disease Migraine Tension-type headache Other neurological disorders Mental and substance use disorders Schizophrenia Alcohol use disorders Drug use disorders Opioid use disorders Cocaine use disorders Amphetamine use disorders Cannabis use disorders Other drug use disorders Depressive disorders Major depressive disorder Dysthymia Bipolar disorder Anxiety disorders Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Autistic spectrum disorders Autism Asperger syndrome and other autistic spectrum disorders Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Conduct disorder Idiopathic developmental intellectual disability Other mental and substance use disorders Diabetes, urogenital, blood, and endocrine diseases Diabetes mellitus Acute glomerulonephritis Chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease due to diabetes mellitus Chronic kidney disease due to hypertension Chronic kidney disease due to glomerulonephritis Chronic kidney disease due to other causes Urinary diseases and male infertility Interstitial nephritis and urinary tract infections Urolithiasis Benign prostatic hyperplasia Male infertility Other urinary diseases Gynecological diseases Uterine fibroids Polycystic ovarian syndrome Female infertility Endometriosis Genital prolapse Premenstrual syndrome Other gynecological diseases Hemoglobinopathies and hemolytic anemias Thalassemias Thalassemias trait Sickle cell disorders Sickle cell trait G6PD deficiency G6PD trait Other hemoglobinopathies and hemolytic anemias Endocrine, metabolic, blood, and immune disorders Musculoskeletal disorders Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Low back and neck pain Low back pain Neck pain Gout Other musculoskeletal disorders Other non-communicable diseases Congenital birth defects Neural tube defects Congenital heart anomalies Orofacial clefts Down syndrome Turner syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Other chromosomal abnormalities Congenital musculoskeletal and limb anomalies Urogenital congenital anomalies Digestive congenital anomalies Other congenital birth defects Skin and subcutaneous diseases Dermatitis Psoriasis Cellulitis Pyoderma Scabies Fungal skin diseases Viral skin diseases Acne vulgaris Alopecia areata Pruritus Urticaria Decubitus ulcer Other skin and subcutaneous diseases Sense organ diseases Glaucoma Cataract Macular degeneration Refraction and accommodation disorders Age-related and other hearing loss Other vision loss Other sense organ diseases Oral disorders Caries of deciduous teeth Caries of permanent teeth Periodontal diseases Edentulism and severe tooth loss Other oral disorders Sudden infant death syndrome Injuries Transport injuries Road injuries Pedestrian road injuries Cyclist road injuries Motorcyclist road injuries Motor vehicle road injuries Other road injuries Other transport injuries Unintentional injuries Falls Drowning Fire, heat, and hot substances Poisonings Exposure to mechanical forces Unintentional firearm injuries Unintentional suffocation Other exposure to mechanical forces Adverse effects of medical treatment Animal contact Venomous animal contact Non-venomous animal contact Foreign body Pulmonary aspiration and foreign body in airway Foreign body in eyes Foreign body in other body part Environmental heat and cold exposure Other unintentional injuries Self-harm and interpersonal violence Self-harm Self-harm by firearm Self-harm by other specified means Interpersonal violence Physical violence by firearm Physical violence by sharp object Sexual violence Physical violence by other means Forces of nature, conflict and terrorism, and executions and police conflict Exposure to forces of nature Conflict and terrorism Executions and police conflict None
Select Impairments Anemia Epilepsy Guillain-Barré syndrome Hearing loss Heart failure Infertility Developmental intellectual disability Pelvic inflammatory disease Vision loss
All risk factors Environmental/occupational risks Unsafe water, sanitation, and handwashing Unsafe water source Unsafe sanitation No access to handwashing facility Air pollution Ambient particulate matter pollution Household air pollution from solid fuels Ambient ozone pollution Other environmental risks Residential radon Lead exposure Occupational risks Occupational carcinogens Occupational exposure to asbestos Occupational exposure to arsenic Occupational exposure to benzene Occupational exposure to beryllium Occupational exposure to cadmium Occupational exposure to chromium Occupational exposure to diesel engine exhaust Occupational exposure to secondhand smoke Occupational exposure to formaldehyde Occupational exposure to nickel Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Occupational exposure to silica Occupational exposure to sulfuric acid Occupational exposure to trichloroethylene Occupational asthmagens Occupational particulate matter, gases, and fumes Occupational noise Occupational injuries Occupational ergonomic factors Behavioral risks Child and maternal malnutrition Suboptimal breastfeeding Non-exclusive breastfeeding Discontinued breastfeeding Child growth failure Child underweight Child wasting Child stunting Low birth weight and short gestation Short gestation for birth weight Low birth weight for gestation Iron deficiency Vitamin A deficiency Zinc deficiency Tobacco Smoking Smokeless tobacco Secondhand smoke Alcohol and drug use Alcohol use Drug use Dietary risks Diet low in fruits Diet low in vegetables Diet low in legumes Diet low in whole grains Diet low in nuts and seeds Diet low in milk Diet high in red meat Diet high in processed meat Diet high in sugar-sweetened beverages Diet low in fiber Diet low in calcium Diet low in seafood omega-3 fatty acids Diet low in polyunsaturated fatty acids Diet high in trans fatty acids Diet high in sodium Sexual abuse and violence Childhood sexual abuse Intimate partner violence Unsafe sex Low physical activity Metabolic risks High fasting plasma glucose High total cholesterol High systolic blood pressure High body-mass index Low bone mineral density Impaired kidney function
All Covariates 10-year lag distributed energy per capita 90th percentile climatic temperature in the given country-year. Absolute value of average latitude Adult HIV crude death rate Adult HIV death rate Age- and sex-specific stunting (height-for-age) SEV Age- and sex-specific underweight (weight-for-age) SEV Age- and sex-specific wasting (weight-for-height) SEV Age-Specific Fertility Rate Age-Standardize Prevalence of Severe Anemia Age-standardized bone mineral density among population age 60+ years Age-standardized melanoma Age-standardized prevalence of amphetamine dependence in women of reproductive age Age-standardized prevalence of cannabis dependence in women of reproductive age Age-standardized prevalence of CKD stage 3 Age-standardized prevalence of CKD stage 4 Age-standardized prevalence of cocaine dependence in women of reproductive-age Age-standardized prevalence of opioid dependence in women of reproductive age Age-standardized prevalence of total drug dependence in women of reproductive age Age-standardized proportion adult underweight Age-standardized stunting (height-for-age) SEV Age-standardized underweight (weight-for-age) SEV Age-standardized wasting (weight-for-height) SEV Alcohol (liters per capita) Alcohol abstainer proportion, age-standardized Alcohol binge drinker proportion, age-standardized Alcohol consumption, female reproductive age-standardized (grams per day) Alcohol consumption, female reproductive age-standardized (proportion) Alcohol SEV, age and sex specific Alcohol SEV, age standardized All age underweight Antenatal Care (1 visit) Coverage (proportion) Antenatal Care (4 visits) Coverage (proportion) Antibiotics for LRI Antimalarial effective treatment ratio_MAP Antimalarial effective treatment_MAP Asbestos consumption (metric tons per year per capita) Asbestos production (binary) Asbestos production (kg) per capita Average latitude Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine coverage (proportion) Birth prevalence of CHD Birth prevalence of congenital chromosomal anomalies Birth prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (per 1000) calcium adjusted(g) calcium unadjusted(g) Chagas Population-at-Risk 2 (proportion) chagasPrevPAHO Cholesterol (total, mean per capita) Coal Production (per capita) Coastal Population within 10km (proportion) Composite fortification standard and folic acid inclusion Contraception (Modern) Prevalence (proportion by age) Contraception (Modern) Prevalence (proportion) Contraception (Total) Prevalence (proportion by age) Contraception (Total) Prevalence (proportion) Contraception (Traditional) Prevalence (proportion by age) Contraception (Traditional) Prevalence (proportion) Corn energy adjusted (g) Corn energy unadjusted (g) Cumulative Cigarettes (10 Years) Cumulative Cigarettes (15 Years) Cumulative Cigarettes (20 Years) Cumulative Cigarettes (5 Years) Death and NCC prevalence ratio Demand for contraception satisfied with modern methods Demand for contraception satisfied with modern methods, by age Dengue anomalies (deviation from mean dengue incidence rate) Dengue outbreaks (binary) Dengue Reporting Trends (transformed into relative risks, relative to that country’s mean incidence) Dentists per capita Diabetes Age-Specific Prevalence (proportion) Diabetes Age-Standardized Prevalence (proportion) Diabetes Fasting Plasma Glucose (mmol/L) Diet high in processed meat Diet high in sodium Diet high in trans fatty acids Diet low in whole grains Dietary zinc unadjusted (mg) Disaster Deaths (rate per 1000) Disaster log-transformed mortality rate Disaster mortality rate Discontinued breastfeeding SEV DTP3 Coverage (proportion) echinococcosis endemicity Education (years per capita) Education (years per capita) aggregated by age (15+) and sex Education age-standardized Eggs energy adjusted (g) Eggs energy unadjusted (g) Elevation 100 to 500m (proportion) Elevation 500 to 1500m (proportion) Elevation Over 1500m (proportion) Elevation Under 100m (proportion) energy unadjusted(kcal) Exponentiated version of dengue anomalies Famine (binary) Female HIV death rate per 1 for ages 15-49 Fertility (15-19 year olds) fiber adjusted(g) fiber unadjusted(g) Fish energy adjusted (g) Fish energy unadjusted (g) Folic acid unadjusted (ug) Fraction of OOP Health Expenditure fruits adjusted(g) fruits unadjusted(g) GDP per capita base 2010 Gold production (binary) Gold production (kg) per capita Health expenditure (per capita) Health Industry Workers Health System Access (capped) Health System Access (unitless) Health System Access 2 (unitless) Health worker density Healthcare access and quality index Hemoglobinopathies Prevalence x Excess Mortality Hemoglobinopathies Prevalence x Excess Mortality (excluding G6PD deficiency) Hepatitis B (HBsAg) Seroprevalence Hepatitis B 3-dose coverage (proportion) Hepatitis B 3-dose coverage (proportion), lagged 10 years Hepatitis B 3-dose coverage (proportion), lagged 5 years Hepatitis B vaccine coverage (proportion), aged through time Hepatitis C (IgG) Seroprevalence Hib3 Vaccine Coverage (proportion) High leishmaniasis endemicity (binary) HIV age-standardized prevalence HIV mortality rate HIV mortality, females, 10-54 HIV prevalence during pregnancy (by age) HIV Prevalence Unadjusted (proportion) HIV Prevalence, ARV-Adjusted (Custom Lag, %) Homicide rate (sex-specific) Hospital Beds (per 1000) Implicit versus explicitly defined NASH Improved Water Source (proportion with access) In-Facility Delivery (proportion) Indoor Air Pollution (All Cooking Fuels) Intravenous drug use (age-standardized proportion) Intravenous drug use (proportion by age) IP admissons per cap Iron energy unadjusted (mg) Japanese encelphalitis endemic area (binary) Landlocked Nation (binary) Latitude 15 to 30 (proportion) Latitude 30 to 45 (proportion) Latitude Over 45 (proportion) Latitude Under 15 (proportion) LDI (I$ per capita) Lead exposure Lead Gas Outphase (binary) Legality of Abortion Leprosy endemic (binary) Live births (by sex) Live Births (thousands) Live Births 35+ (proportion) Live Births 40+ (proportion) Long-term Population-weighted mean temperature Low birth weight and short gestation SEV (all ages, by sex) Low birth weight SEV (all ages, by sex) Low bone mineral density Major depressive disorder Malaria incidence - from MAP estimates(AFRICA) Malaria incidence_MAP Malaria PfPR_MAP Malnutrition Shock log-transformed mortality rate Malnutrition Shock mortality rate Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy (proportion) Maternal Education (years per capita) Mean birth weight Mean BMI Mean hemoglobin concentration (age-standardized) Mean war mortality rate in the previous ten years Measles Vaccine Coverage (proportion) Measles Vaccine Coverage 2 doses (proportion) Medical schools Meningitis Belt (binary) meningitis belt (proportion) milk adjusted(g) milk unadjusted(g) Mortality Rate Due to Death Shocks in Last 10 Years (per 1 person) Mortality Rate Due to War Shocks (per 1 person) Muslim Religion (proportion of population) NAFLD/NASH prevalence Neonatal Death Rate Modeled 2 (per 1000) No access to handwashing facility Non-partner lifetime prevalence of sexual violence (female-only) Nurses and Midwives per capita nuts seeds adjusted(g) nuts seeds unadjusted(g) Occupation Professionals omega 3 adjusted(g) omega 3 unadjusted(g) OOP Health Expenditure per capita OP visits per cap Opioids per million population per day Opioids per million population per day (10 year lag) Opioids per million population per day (5 year lag) Opium Cultivation (binary) ORS (oral rehydration) Outdoor Air Pollution (PM2.5) PCV3 Coverage (proportion) Pelvic inflammatory disease age-standardized prevalence Pelvic inflammatory disease all-age prevalence Pharmacists per capita Physicians per capita Pig Meat (kg per capita) Pigs (per capita) Polio 3-dose coverage (proportion) Population 15 to 30 (proportion) Population at-Risk of Trachoma (proportion) Population at-Risk of Trachoma, modeled (proportion) Population Density (150-300 ppl/sqkm, proportion) Population Density (300-500 ppl/sqkm, proportion) Population Density (500-1000 ppl/sqkm, proportion) Population Density (over 1000 ppl/sqkm, proportion) Population Density (under 150 ppl/sqkm, proportion) Population Over 65 (proportion) Population weighted probability of dengue transmission Population-weighted mean temperature Potatoes energy adjusted (g) Potatoes energy unadjusted (g) Potential for leishmaniasis transmission (binary) Poultry energy adjusted (g) Poultry energy unadjusted (g) Presence of leishmaniasis (binary) Presenting vision impairment Prevalence of obesity Prevalence of obesity (age-standardized) Prevalence of overweight and obesity Proportion of cirrhosis due to alcohol Proportion of cirrhosis due to hepatitis B Proportion of cirrhosis due to hepatitis C Proportion of cirrhosis due to NASH Proportion of cirrhosis due to other causes Proportion of households using iodized salt (adjusted) Proportion of liver cancer due to alcohol (Age Standardized) Proportion of liver cancer due to hepatitis B (Age Standardized) Proportion of liver cancer due to hepatitis C (Age Standardized) Proportion of liver cancer due to NASH (Age Standardized) Proportion of liver cancer due to other causes (Age Standardized) Proportion of population involved in agricultural activities Proportion of the land with altitude between 1000-2500 meters above sea level Proportion of the population living in the classic monsoon region Proportion of the population living in the classic monsoon region (low-income countries) Proportion of the population living in the Indian Ocean monsoon belt Proportion of total population covered by menafrivac initiative (meningitis meningococcal type A vaccine) Proportion of total population in Japanese encephalitis endemic area (India) pufa adjusted(percent) pulses legumes adjusted(g) pulses legumes unadjusted(g) Rainfall (Quintiles 2-5) Rainfall (Quintiles 3-5) Rainfall (Quintiles 4-5) Rainfall Population-Weighted (mm/yr) Rainfall Quintile 1 (proportion) Rainfall Quintile 2 (proportion) Rainfall Quintile 3 (proportion) Rainfall Quintile 4 (proportion) Rainfall Quintile 5 (proportion) red meats adjusted(g) red meats unadjusted(g) Religion (binary, >50% Muslim) Reproductive age-standardized diabetes prevalence (10-54 yrs; females) Residential radon Rice energy adjusted (g) Rice energy unadjusted (g) Rotavirus coverage (proportion) Rotavirus Vaccine Introduced (binary) Rubella Vaccine Coverage (Proportion) Sanitation (proportion with access) saturated fats adjusted(percent) Scaled Adult HIV rate Schisto cumulative treatments Schistosomiasis Prevalence (proportion) Secondhand smoke Seroprevalence of anti-HAV (IgG) Seroprevalence of anti-HEV (IgG) SEV unsafe sanitation SEV unsafe water Shock log-transformed mortality rate Shock mortality rate Short gestation SEV (all ages, by sex) Significant leishmaniasis endemicity (binary) Skilled Birth Attendance (proportion) Smoking Prevalence Smoking Prevalence (Age-standardized, both sexes) Smoking Prevalence (Age-standardized, females) Smoking Prevalence (Age-standardized, males) Smoking Prevalence (Reproductive Age Standardized) Smooth outphase of leaded gasoline Socio-demographic Index Stunting (proportion <2SD height for age, <5 years) sugar adjusted(g) sugar unadjusted(g) Sweet energy potato adjusted (g) Sweet energy potato unadjusted (g) Syphilis prevalence (proportion) Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) TB strain prevalence-weighted transmission RR Tetanus Toxoid Coverage Smooth (proportion) Tobacco (cigarettes per capita) Total Fertility Rate Total PC treatments per person at risk for LF Infection (1999-2012) Total Physical Activity (MET-min/week), Age-specific Total Physical Activity (MET-min/week), Age-standardized Tuberculosis case detection Tuberculosis infection risk-weighted prevalence (age-standardized) Tuberculosis prevalence (age-standardized) Under 5 HIV death rate Underweight (proportion <2SD weight for age, <5 years) Underweight women of reproductive age Underweight, age and sex specific Untreated HIV Urbanicity vegetables adjusted(g) vegetables unadjusted(g) Vehicles - 2 wheels (per capita) Vehicles - 2 wheels fraction (proportion) Vehicles - 2+4 wheels (per capita) Vehicles - 4 wheels (per capita) Visceral leishmaniasis incidence Vitamin A Deficiency Prevalence (age-standardized) Vitamin A Deficiency Prevalence (children under 5) vitamin a rae unadjusted (ug) vitamin a retinol unadjusted (ug) Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate vitamin a unadjusted (iu) War log-transformed mortality rate Wasting (proportion <2SD weight for height, <5 years) Zinc deficiency Zinc treatment for diarrhea
Sustainable Development Goals
All Sustainable Development Goals All-cause DALY rate attributable to occupational risks By 2030, significantly reduce deaths and people affected by disasters Coverage of essential health services, as defined by the UHC service coverage index Coverage of skilled birth attendance Death rate attributable to air pollution Death rate due NCDs among populations aged 30-70 years Death rate due to conflict and terrorism Death rate due to interpersonal violence Death rate due to self-harm Death rate due to to natural disasters Death rate due to unintentional poisionings Hepatitis B incidence rate HIV incidence rate Malaria incidence rate Maternal mortality ratio Mean fine particulate matter (PM2.5) Prevalence of 15 neglected tropical diseases Prevalence of child overweight Prevalence of daily smoking Prevalence of intimate partner violence among women Risk-weighted prevalence of alcohol consumption Risk-weighted prevalence of household air pollution Risk-weighted prevalence of populations using unsafe sanitation Risk-weighted prevalence of populations without access to a handwashing facility Strengthen resilience to climate-related hazards and natural disasters Tuberculosis incidence rate Under-5 mortality rate
Global High-income High-income North America Canada Greenland United States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Australasia Australia New Zealand High-income Asia Pacific Brunei Japan Aichi Akita Aomori Chiba Ehime Fukui Fukuoka Fukushima Gifu Gunma Hiroshima Hokkaidō Hyōgo Ibaraki Ishikawa Iwate Kagawa Kagoshima Kanagawa Kōchi Kumamoto Kyōto Mie Miyagi Miyazaki Nagano Nagasaki Nara Niigata Ōita Okayama Okinawa Ōsaka Saga Saitama Shiga Shimane Shizuoka Tochigi Tokushima Tōkyō Tottori Toyama Wakayama Yamagata Yamaguchi Yamanashi Singapore South Korea Western Europe Andorra Austria Belgium Cyprus Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Stockholm Sweden except Stockholm Switzerland United Kingdom England East Midlands East of England Greater London North East England North West England South East England South West England West Midlands Yorkshire and the Humber Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Southern Latin America Argentina Chile Uruguay Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Eastern Europe Belarus Estonia Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russian Federation Ukraine Central Europe Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Macedonia Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Central Asia Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Latin America and Caribbean Central Latin America Colombia Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Aguascalientes Baja California Baja California Sur Campeche Chiapas Chihuahua Coahuila Colima Mexico City Durango Guanajuato Guerrero Hidalgo Jalisco México Michoacán de Ocampo Morelos Nayarit Nuevo León Oaxaca Puebla Querétaro Quintana Roo San Luis Potosí Sinaloa Sonora Tabasco Tamaulipas Tlaxcala Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave Yucatán Zacatecas Nicaragua Panama Venezuela Andean Latin America Bolivia Ecuador Peru Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda The Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Guyana Haiti Jamaica Puerto Rico Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Virgin Islands, U.S. Tropical Latin America Brazil Acre Alagoas Amapá Amazonas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul Minas Gerais Pará Paraíba Paraná Pernambuco Piaui Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Rondônia Roraima Santa Catarina São Paulo Sergipe Tocantins Paraguay Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Oceania East Asia China North Korea Taiwan Southeast Asia Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Maldives Mauritius Myanmar Philippines Sri Lanka Seychelles Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Oceania American Samoa Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Vanuatu North Africa and Middle East North Africa and Middle East Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Egypt Iran Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Morocco Palestine Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen South Asia South Asia Bangladesh Bhutan India Nepal Pakistan Sub-Saharan Africa Southern Sub-Saharan Africa Botswana Lesotho Namibia South Africa Swaziland Zimbabwe Western Sub-Saharan Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Cote d'Ivoire The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Togo Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Rwanda Somalia South Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zambia Central Sub-Saharan Africa Angola Central African Republic Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon
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