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Mpox Environmental Suitability and Spillover Potential Geospatial Estimates


General Info
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
Algeria (DZA)
Angola (AGO)
Benin (BEN)
Burundi (BDI)
Cameroon (CMR)
Congo (COG)
Djibouti (DJI)
Egypt (EGY)
Eritrea (ERI)
Ethiopia (ETH)
France (FRA)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GMB)
Ghana (GHA)
Guinea (GIN)
Kenya (KEN)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBY)
Malawi (MWI)
Mali (MLI)
Namibia (NAM)
Niger (NER)
Nigeria (NGA)
Rwanda (RWA)
Senegal (SEN)
Somalia (SOM)
Sudan (SDN)
Togo (TGO)
Uganda (UGA)
Saint Helena
Yemen (YEM)
Zambia (ZMB)
Zimbabwe (ZWE)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2016 - 12/2016
Data type
  • Subnationally representative

This dataset includes predictions for the environmental suitability of Mpox (MPX) transmission at the monthly level, as well as calculations of spillover potential in humans which combines the suitability estimates and human population data. This dataset also includes an occurrence database with data extracted from a literature search and data extraction and from two epidemic bulletins: one from the WHO on all reportable diseases across Africa, updated weekly, and one from Nigeria CDC specifically on Mpox, updated intermittently.

The dataset includes the following:

  • GeoTIFF raster files for pixel-level environmental suitability mean and uncertainty, and at-risk areas, 2016
  • CSV files of each administrative level 2 units’ spillover potential estimates for 2016
  • Extracted occurrence data
  • Code files and custom polygons used to generate the estimates