Cuba Population Monograph 1974
General Info
Original or alternative title
La Poblacioon de Cuba 1974
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 1974 - December, 1974
Series or system
Data type
This Cuba population monograph was published as part of a Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED) series and brings together various data sources, including census data and fertility studies data.
In addition to the introduction, this monograph is composed of six essays that cover the following topics: evaluation and adjustment of the age and sex data from the 1969 census; population age structure estimates; fertility levels, patterns and differentials; internal population movements; analysis of immigration and its contribution to socio-economic development; and population projections.
Suggested citation
Committee for International Cooperation in National Research and Demography (CICRED). Cuba Population Monograph 1974. Paris, France: Committee for International Cooperation in National Research and Demography (CICRED).