Mongolia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Plus 2020-2021, Wave 7 2021
General Info
Original or alternative title
Mongolia MICS Plus 2021 Wave 7
Coverage type
Time period covered
December, 2021 - December, 2021
Data type
Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative
"The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Mongolia, in collaboration with UNICEF, began the implementation of MICS Plus in September 2020. MICS Plus generates data to understand the situation of households, families and children during the COVID-19 pandemic and inform decision makers and stakeholders accordingly. This snapshot summarizes the main results of the seventh wave of calls during December 1 – 19, 2021 and comparison with other waves. The Mongolia MICS Plus sample was drawn from the Population and Household Registration Database (PHRD) of the NSO. The registry-based census as of January 2020 has been used as sample frame. The target sample size is 2,200 households.." Source: Wave 7 Snapshot Report
Adverse effects of medical treatments, Assets, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, Cooking fuels, Disease outbreaks, Electricity, Family composition, Family size, Health behaviors, Health care use, Hospitals, Household air pollution, Household heat, Housing, Housing conditions, Hygiene, Leisure activities, Lighting, Living conditions, Personal health expenditures, Personal protective equipment, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Sanitation, Social distancing measures, Telephones, Transportation, Water supply
Publication year
Suggested citation
National Statistical Office of Mongolia, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Mongolia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Plus 2020-2021, Wave 7 2021. New York, United States of America: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2022.