Georgia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Plus 2020-2021, Wave 6 2021
General Info
Original or alternative title
Georgia Real Time Monitoring Survey on the Impact of the COVID-19 on the Well-being of Families and Children (RTM-MICS) Wave 6
Coverage type
Time period covered
December, 2021 - December, 2021
Data type
Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative
"The sample size for the entire country for the sixth wave of the Georgia MICS Plus 2020-21 is set at 1,996 households, among them 962 households in urban areas, and 1,034 households in rural areas. Data collection is performed via tablets, by using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing method (CATI). The sixth wave field works of the survey were conducted in December 2021. Response rate was 82.0 percent, among them 80.5 percent in urban settlements, and 83.5 percent in rural settlements." Source: Wave 6 Key Findings Report #1
Adverse effects of medical treatments, Antenatal care, Assets, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, Child care, Children, Cooking fuels, Disease outbreaks, Education, Education access, Electricity, Emergency care, Employment, Family composition, Family size, Health behaviors, Health care access, Health literacy, Health promotion, Household air pollution, Household deaths, Household heat, Housing, Housing conditions, Hygiene, Internet, Lighting, Loans, Mass media, Personal protective equipment, Refrigeration, Sanitation, School enrollment, Social distancing measures, Telephones, Transportation, Unemployment, Water supply
Publication year
Suggested citation
National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Georgia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Plus 2020-2021, Wave 6 2021. New York, United States of America: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2022.