Armenia Survey on Domestic Violence Against Women 2021
General Info
The Survey on Domestic Violence Against Women (DVAW) 2021 aims to describe the prevalence of violence against women in Armenia, especially domestic violence. The target participants of the survey are women aged 15-59 living in private households. Fieldwork staff visited 12,636 households as part of the survey; 2,872 effective, individual surveys were conducted. Tables organize data by respondents' status as ever-partnered (89%) or never-partnered (11%); by the type of violence (moderate or severe physical violence, sexual violence by an intimate partner or other individual, and psychological violence); age groups (15-24, 25-34, 35-44, and 45-59); education level; and area of residence (urban or rural). Included as well are what percentages experienced violence in the past 12 months and throughout their lives. DVAW is comparable to, but separate from, the survey on domestic violence carried out by Armstat (Armenia Nationwide Survey on Violence Against Women 2008).