Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2022-2023
General Info
The 2022-2023 Afghanistan Multiple Indicatory Cluster Survey is part of the 6th round of the survey series. It provides estimates for urban and rural areas at the national level and for Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The survey was comprised of four questionnaires - a household survey, an individual survey for women 15-49 years, an under-5 questionnaire administered to caretakers of all children under 5 in the household, and a questionnaire for children 5-17 years administered to the caretaker of one randomly selected child from that age group living in the household. Questionnaires were based on the MICS6 standard questionnaires.
23,213 households, 44,341 women ages 15-49, 32,989 caretakers of children under 5, and 20,068 caretakers of children 5-17 were interviewed.