Chile National Survey on Violence Against Women in the Field of Intrafamily Violence and in Other Spaces 2019-2020
General Info
Original or alternative title
IV Encuesta de Violencia contra la Mujer en el Ámbito de Violencia Intrafamiliar y en Otros Espacios (ENVIF-VCM)
Coverage type
Time period covered
December, 2019 - March, 2020
Data type
The ENVIF-VCM 2019-2020 survey, the fourth in the series, collected information on the characteristics and extent of gender violence that affects women in urban areas at the national and regional levels throughout Chile. The results of the survey are intended to guide prevention and control policies. The survey sampled women age 15 and older: 6,775 cases involving women ages 15-65 and 960 cases involving women 66 and older. Compared to the previous survey in this series (2017), this survey includes two additional areas of data collection: psychological consequences of violence and violence to older adults.
Suggested citation
Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile), Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (Chile). Chile National Survey on Violence Against Women in the Field of Intrafamily Violence and in Other Spaces 2019-2020. Chile: Center for the Study and Analysis of Crime (CEAD) (Chile).