Denmark Monitoring Smoking Habits in the Danish Population 2020
General Info
Original or alternative title
Danskernes Rygevaner 2020
Coverage type
Time period covered
September, 2020 - December, 2020
Series or system
Data type
Cross-sectional - Individual - Interview
The Danes' Smoking Habits survey, conducted from September 30, 2020 to December 30, 2020, collected data on the smoking habits of participants by age and sex, including the consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), smoking cessation, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) usage, purchasing activity, and smoking around others.
Participants were aged 15 to 79 years, and 25,027 individuals completed the web-based questionnaire via a computer, tablet or smartphone. The population of Denmark at the time the survey was conducted approximated 4,605,764 people.
Suggested citation
Danish Cancer Society, Danish Health Authority, Danish Lung Association, National Institute of Public Health (Denmark), Statistics Denmark. Denmark Monitoring Smoking Habits in the Danish Population 2020.
Other ID type