Japan Provisional Cumulative Cases of Diseases per Sentinel Reporting by Prefecture 2020
General Info
Original or alternative title
IDWR Surveillance Data Table 2020: Sentinel-Reporting Diseases (Weekly)
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2020 - December, 2020
Data type
Epi surveillance:
Subnationally representative
The Infectious Disease Weekly Report (IDWR) tabulations Sentinel-Reporting Diseases provides cumulative cases of sentinel reporting diseases by prefecture reported in Japan during 2020. Case totals are provided for the country and by prefecture for 2020. Infectious disease case notification data for Japan, provided in the Infectious Disease Weekly Report (IDWR), are collected by the Infectious Disease Surveillance Center for the National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) program. NESID data is collected from prefectural and municipal public health centers, and quarantine stations through an on-line reporting system.
Suggested citation
National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan). Japan Provisional Cumulative Cases of Diseases per Sentinel Reporting by Prefecture 2020. Tokyo, Japan: National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan).