Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kinshasa and Kongo Central Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 Survey, Round 7 2018
General Info
The Performance, Monitoring, and Accountability Survey (PMA2020) is a multinational, five-year initiative to monitor key indicators for water, sanitation, and family planning. The project was implemented by local research organizations in ten countries using female enumerators and smartphone-based software. Beginning with the fourth round survey in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, data were collected in both Kinshasa province and Kongo Central.
The data were collected through questionnaires for households, women ages 15-49, and service delivery points (SDPs). The major topics covered in the household and women's questionnaire included household characteristics, assets, sanitation, fertility, and contraceptive use. The SDP questionnaires focused on facility type, location, staffing, and size based on the number of beds.
The sample size for Kinshasa was 1,854 households, 2,583 females, and 186 SDPs.
Tulane University School of Public Health, University of Kinshasa School of Public Health and The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) Survey Round 7, PMA2018/DRC-R7 (Kinshasa & Kongo Central). 2018. Kinshasa, DRC and Baltimore, Maryland, USA.