Honduras Salud Mesoamérica Initiative First Follow-Up Health Facility Survey 2014
General Info
The Salud Mesoamérica Initiative (SMI) focuses on reducing inequalities in maternal and child health in Mesoamerica. This dataset is the product of an SMI impact evaluation. It includes results of a follow-up health facility survey conducted in seven departments in Honduras. In total, 60 facilities were surveyed. These represent facilities that provide ambulatory-, basic-, and complete-level Essential Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EONC) services. Surveyors collected data through interviews with facility personnel and direct observation. They recorded information on general facility characteristics, infrastructure, staff, supplies, equipment, and the availability of key maternal and child health care services. They also performed medical record reviews, extracting retrospective data on record-keeping, family planning, treatment practices related to uncomplicated births and medical complications experienced by mothers or infants during delivery, and child medical services.